Monday, January 23, 2012

Tell the Indian Tourism Minister that you won't visit India until it enforce's the ban on the Jallikattu.

Dear Member & Supporter,

This week ARAN will launch a new 'boycott' drive to support efforts in India to enforce an existing ban on the cruel Indian, Jallikattu, which is currently going un-enforced, but what is Jallikattu? Jallikattu is a cruel contact game in which terrified bulls are surrounded by hundreds of shouting men, are hit with fists, have their tails twisted and pulled – and some even snapped and broken – and are jumped on and wrestled to the ground. Men pounce on the backs of bulls, sometimes alone, sometimes together and attempt to wrestle him to the ground. There are reports that chili powder is rubbed into the bulls’ eyes, they are given alcohol and then have to undergo the trauma of being chased by mobs who try to overpower and bring them down. Investigations at five Jallikattu events after these regulations had come into place documented bulls being tied so tightly it would cause them severe discomfort and pain, hit with fists, having their tails twisted and pulled, jumped on and wrestled to the ground. Not only is Jallikattu cruel to animals, it also poses a threat to public safety. In one four-day period in January 2011 again after these regulations came to be, 215 people sustained injuries during Jallikattu events. Out of this, 154 people were spectators who suffered injuries. Two people died. Click here to see the Jallikattu.

ARAN has started contacting Indian officials, tourist agencies and others to inform them of our efforts to highlight the cruel spectacle here in Ireland and across Europe with our below 'ad' which is a mock-up of the 'Incredible India' tourist ad's that promote the beautiful country.

Tell the Indian Tourism Minister that you won't visit India until it enforce's the ban on the Jallikattu. Email,

Rani Singh
Research Coordinator 
Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN)

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