Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dear Members, Supporters,

This coming Monday October 1, Councillors from Drogheda Borough will vote on a motion to ban wild animal-act circuses using public borough land. We need you to please send a polite and encouraging email urging them to support Cllr Kevin Callan's progressive motion. ARAN has contacted all Cllrs with factual reports, video and everything else they need to make a proper, informed decision. It's all part of our 'Stop Circus Suffering in Ireland' campaign which is a part of a bigg
er global campaign by Animal Defenders International (ADI).

We hope to bring you good news on Monday evening, but we really can only do this with your support, so please get emailing and let all your family and friends know about it too. The future is circuses without animals - where fun is for everyone.

Send your email to:-;;;;

We're confident this motion will pass, but we really need everyone who reads this appeal to get writing. Remember ARAN's appeals for emails, calls and letters are always focussed and often have a good end result.

Thank you,

'Fighting animal abuse across Ireland'

Friday, September 7, 2012

VIA JOHN CARMODY  Im deeply saddened by Lady Gaga's indirect attack on all fur bearing animals again this week - if anything she's rubbing our face in it. This is the most recent picture of her taken in Cologne, Germany. Will someone please tell me what on earth have the animals' done to deserve this? There's going to be an all out war unleashed on the animals as her legions of fans start copying her "Fashion" sense and no doubt fur sales will go up because of her wearing the skins of dead, helpless and tormented animals. It's a sad day, but boy god will ARAN make the animals' voice heard on September 15th.

MY THOUGHTS This woman has no concept of cruelty and seems to believe dead animals are a way for her to get publicity. She has wore a dress made of raw beef, worn a bikini made of meat,  rabbit fur coat, what appears to be a coyote carcass, she’s already boasted as to wearing  “python, ostrich, cow hide, leather, lamb, alligator, ‘kermit’ so i think from this we can say nothing with a pulse is safe from her sick ideas of fashion SHAME ON YOU LADY GAGAG ;(

Friday, June 8, 2012

Dear Members & Supporters,

News just in - Paraguay has banned animal-act circuses! Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN) and Animal Defenders International (ADI) applaud Paraguay for becoming the latest country to ban the use of wild animals in circuses under Resolution 2002/12 passed this week by the Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment (Secretaría del Medio Ambiente).  Since ADI launched a major undercover investigation of animals in circuses in South America in 2007, a series of bans have swept across the continent as Governments have acted decisively to end the suffering of these animals. Bans are in place in Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and now Paraguay. Legislation for a ban passed its second reading in Colombia earlier this year and legislation for a ban is well advanced in Brazil.

Jan Creamer President Animal Defenders International: "We congratulate the Paraguayan Government for taking this progressive stand and everyone who has worked to secure this ban. This confirms how people all over the world are realizing that it is no longer acceptable to confine, deprive and abuse animals in the name of entertainment. You have to also ask why countries like the Ireland, the USA and UK have fallen so far behind on this issue.”

John Carmody, ARAN: "More and more local authorities in Ireland are either considering a ban on the use of wild animals and now we will be stepping up the pressure for a national ban. With ADI we have exposed physical abuse, confinement and deprivation in Irish circuses, and in these past months we have seen the public put at great risk with an elephant escaping from a circus and a trainer seriously injured. If countries like Paraguay and Greece are ending this archaic suffering, surely we can do the same in Ireland."

The Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act which would ban the use of wild animals in circuses throughout the USA is currently before Congress. The British Government recently promised to introduce a ban at the earliest opportunity. There are over 20 countries with similar measures already in place.  ADI dramatically enforced the Bolivian ban last year, raiding eight circuses that had defied the law and rescuing and relocating every animal – including transporting 29 lions to the USA.  In the UK, on 18th June, the trial commences of the owners of Anne the elephant, on charges of failure of their responsibilities under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dear Friends,

The Courtney Brothers Circus is on the road again and they are pulling into Drogheda this week. Local people have arranged to hold a peaceful, educational protest this coming Friday, June 8th at 6.30pm to 7.30pm at the circus which is near Tesco in the town centre. It's important the organisers receive support in their efforts to educate potential circus goers about the suffering animals endure in the circus.

An ARAN spokesperson will also be on LMFM radio tomorrow morning, June 6, after 9am to speak about our national 'Stop Circus Suffering in Ireland' campaign, our efforts to ban animal-acts in this country, and our request to Drogheda Borough Council to ensure that it's the last visit of the Courtney Brothers Circus, and indeed any other animal-act circus going forward.

Thank you for all that you are doing to help animals and for using your voice to speak out for those who cannot.

Kind regards,

Stephan Wymore
Campaigns Assistant
Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN)
'Fighting animal abuse across Ireland'

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Dear Members & Supporters,

Not one of us is a stranger to witnessing animal abuse. Whether it’s from an undercover investigation, a heartbreaking image, a media report or seeing it right before your very eyes, there can be no denying that it’s wrong and it needs to stopFor seventeen years now ARAN has been fighting cruelty to animals tooth-and-nail. We could not have done this without the consistent and determined support of our members and supporters everywhere. Now we need your help once again and this time we really need the help of our supporters who have yet to attend one of our events or who have yet to become more actively involved. On Sunday, August 26 in Dublin at 1.30pm sharp we hope that you will join hundreds of our compassionate supporters, along with members of the public for our 5th annual ‘March and Rally Against Cruelty to Animals’. The march will parade through the centre of Dublin City and aims to unite the many people and groups who care about animals – it's looking set to be our best event yet. We will have an extended march route with our flagship chant ‘THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE’ to lead us along the way. This year we plan on having even more fantastic speakers and, for the first time, we will be presenting awards to inspiring people who have devoted their lives to helping animals. Click here for beautiful images of last year's event in Cork City. ARAN has consistently been thanked for organising such beautiful, peaceful, well coordinated, upbeat and positive rallies in previous years, but we've plans on ensuring 2012 is the best yet. But this must not be left to someone else to attend, the animals need you there.

We have no doubt you are all against cruelty to animals, but sitting back, looking away or leaving it to others to stop will ensure a lifetime of animal abuse and suffering – we might as well give up now if that's the case. We can do either of two things: One, we can ignore this appeal and leave attending ARAN’s march and rally to other people, or two, we can mark our diaries and ensure that we are in Dublin for just those couple of hours to ensure it’s the greatest day for Ireland’s animal protection movement. It’s over to youWill you stand with us on the day? If so please RSVP with the words ‘Yes I’ll be there’. Feel free to bring along your children, family, friends, coworkers and your even your companion animals, it's their day too.

Thank you for your ongoing support and for having the heart you have to see a daywhere there is no more animal abuse.


‘Fighting animal abuse across Ireland’

P.S. Full details, a rally promotional video, leaflet, poster and Facebook image and events page will be available very soon.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Dear Member & Supporter;

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that ARAN is still very much a small grassroots group. For nearly seventeen years now we’ve being fighting animal abuse.  There can be no denying it that our work continues to be highly effective in various areas ranging from effective media coverage, life changing educational programs, grassroots activism and inspiring huge numbers of people everywhere to take action to help animals.  Whilst I am often the more public face of ARAN, what lies behind the scenes is a determined group of highly educated, tenacious volunteers working often long, hard, stressful hours – and the work pays off because we’re seeing positive change happening faster than ever before.  Every single day of the week I receive many calls, emails and yes the good old-fashioned letters from our members everywhere thanking us for the work that ARAN does but more importantly to thank us for touching or changing their lives or indeed someone they know and this is how we gauge success.  I wish I could tell you that we'll end all this suffering, exploitation and cruelty right now, but we won't, and it's going to take some time, but what I do want you to know is that there is hope on the horizon and I mean that because we're seeing so much change in peoples attitudes and behaviors and we know our work is paying off faster than ever before.

Please see attached some nice pictures of recent ARAN events:-

For the last four and a half months we have led massive outreach efforts on the streets, we’ve mobilised hundreds of our supporters to take action, led big demonstrations to expose fur farms, animal experimentation, circuses, slaughterhouses and much more and yes, media coverage, we’ve literally blanketed the entire country with the animals’ plight on possibly every local radio station and newspaper in the country, and of course on every national radio station and newspaper - consistently.  It was only up until last week that our media coverage has started to quieting down which gives us more time to focus on other areas.  There can be no denying it those who hurt and abuse animals would never want ARAN being this effective and they would NEVER want you supporting ARAN.  But to be this effective it takes huge amounts of long hours, sleepless nights, stressful moments and painstaking bearing witness to the cruelty through the continuous heartbreaking undercover investigations that are coming out and that we review – we're happy to take on this pressure, but we honestly cannot do this without you.  

Remember, that the next time we ask you for your time to write an email or letter, send a donation, or attend an ARAN event or demonstration that those simple requests are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what goes on behind the scenes at ARAN to fight animal abuse – you really have the easiest options of fighting animal abuse.  I honestly would hate to think if ARAN was to wrap up in the morning, it would be a very sad, dark day for the animals – but I hope that I can count on your support to ensure our continued determination, growth and success.

Thank you,

John Carmody
Founder of ARAN

P.S. Click here for a really nice video link to our latest school educational class. It's because of the kind, generous support of our members that we can get in to schools and out on the streets, but there really is so much more that we want to do and cannot, because we simply do not have the resources to do so.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Don't sit around the house. Get out and enjoy nature! LOL


Don't sit around the house.
        Get out and enjoy nature!

Never mind, go back inside

Monday, January 23, 2012

Tell the Indian Tourism Minister that you won't visit India until it enforce's the ban on the Jallikattu.

Dear Member & Supporter,

This week ARAN will launch a new 'boycott' drive to support efforts in India to enforce an existing ban on the cruel Indian, Jallikattu, which is currently going un-enforced, but what is Jallikattu? Jallikattu is a cruel contact game in which terrified bulls are surrounded by hundreds of shouting men, are hit with fists, have their tails twisted and pulled – and some even snapped and broken – and are jumped on and wrestled to the ground. Men pounce on the backs of bulls, sometimes alone, sometimes together and attempt to wrestle him to the ground. There are reports that chili powder is rubbed into the bulls’ eyes, they are given alcohol and then have to undergo the trauma of being chased by mobs who try to overpower and bring them down. Investigations at five Jallikattu events after these regulations had come into place documented bulls being tied so tightly it would cause them severe discomfort and pain, hit with fists, having their tails twisted and pulled, jumped on and wrestled to the ground. Not only is Jallikattu cruel to animals, it also poses a threat to public safety. In one four-day period in January 2011 again after these regulations came to be, 215 people sustained injuries during Jallikattu events. Out of this, 154 people were spectators who suffered injuries. Two people died. Click here to see the Jallikattu.

ARAN has started contacting Indian officials, tourist agencies and others to inform them of our efforts to highlight the cruel spectacle here in Ireland and across Europe with our below 'ad' which is a mock-up of the 'Incredible India' tourist ad's that promote the beautiful country.

Tell the Indian Tourism Minister that you won't visit India until it enforce's the ban on the Jallikattu. Email,

Rani Singh
Research Coordinator 
Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN)