Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dog Breeding Establishments Act 2010

IRELAND NEEDS YOUR HELP Please email the Minister for Environment and Minister of Agriculture asking them to sign  the Dog Breeding Establishments Act 2010 and the Greyhound Welfare Bill 2010. These 2  pieces of legislation are very important to helping protect dogs from the puppy mill trade and the greyhound industry. They will not sign 1  without the other it is important that the ministers realise how important signing these acts are . ALL THEY NEED TO DO IS SIGN OFF ON THE BILLS 

Phil Hogan, Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government
Custom House
Dublin 1
01 888 4000

Simon Coveney, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Agriculture House,
Kildare St.
Dublin 2.
Tel: 01 607 2000

you could also include the Irish embassy in your country if you liked 


 Dear Ministers,
I am writing to you today to express my strong concern about the lack of legislation to control dog breeders or protect the welfare of dogs in Ireland.
In 1911, animal welfare was considered to be an important enough issue for the 1911 Protection of Animals Act to become a part of our legal system. We are now in the year of its 100th birthday and we, in Ireland, are known as the "Puppy Farm Capital of Europe". A sad and embarrassing celebration.
The majority of the people in Ireland have a great love respect and compassion for animals. Our government has accepted the financial benefits of the animal industry, through taxes, in the last 100 years and the animals received in return NOTHING.
We as a nation ask the government that we have elected to be our voice - and consider the animals that we are all responsible for.
Please just sign the bill that ex-Minister John Gormley published last December, the Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009, the first bill to bring legislation against puppy mills and puppy farms in Ireland. This Bill will act as the protection dogs in Ireland and the proper guide for dog breeders which is a much needed piece of legislation! I understand that you are delaying your signing of the commencement clause of the Dog Breeding Establishments Act 2010 because you are planning to synchronise it with the Greyhound Welfare Bill 2010. I am glad that you plan on passing both bills however they should not have been delayed as long as they have. it certainly shouldn’t be delayed any longer. Do show some compassion for the "breeding bitches" in these establishments that are living in extremely sub-standard conditions and not receiving the basic care or attention they need and deserve. Every day the ISPCA raid puppy farms and see at firsthand the suffering and pain endured by these defenceless puppies in places that should be shut down. As a nation we pride ourselves on being animal lovers, sadly this is not always the truth There are far more puppies than the trade needs and as a result conditions in these premises we have overcrowding, older pups mixed with younger ones, fighting for food, forced to stand in kennels deep in faeces, no bedding, no stimulation, no exercise, no life, no affection or companionship How much longer will Ireland continue to be a place of puppy neglect, without regulation, inspection or licensing? No standards of disease control no standards of care or hygiene and no protection for the the public who see lovely puppies but never see the unfortunate parents who live the most dreadful lives pumping out litter after litter of puppies. After their fertility wanes, breeding animals are often killed, abandoned or sold cheaply to another mill to try and get "one more litter" out of the dog. The annual result of all this breeding is millions of puppies.Many of these little puppies have genetic problems; frequentlyinexperienced buyers end up with inbred puppies, not vaccinated or socialized, and spend years dealing with the financial and emotional issues from such breeding standards or lack of standards. Every caring animal welfare person across the Country needs this Bill enforced immediately in order to prevent further ongoing cruelty and neglect of numerous puppy farm dogs
We need this bill to compliment Bio-Security which is an effective way of reducing the risk of a disease outbreak and the spread of a disease from animal to animal and from animals to humans.
The disappointment and frustration felt by thousands of
animal lovers and those deeply concerned with animal welfare matters is felt right across the country. The fact that the Dog Breeding Establishment Bill is not yet being implemented as it is lacking a signature is adding to the continued suffering of animals through out our country and the world is watching. I know i dont want to be known as a citizen of Europe's puppy farm capital that acts as a haven for this cruel trade due to its lack of legislation on the matter.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message and i am sure after considering some of these thoughts you will not hesitate to see the importance of adding your signature to the bill

Kind regards

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