Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. — Martin Luther King Jr.
Dear Members & Supporters,
Not one of us is a stranger to witnessing animal abuse. Whether it’s from an undercover investigation, a heartbreaking image, a media report or seeing it right before your very eyes, there can be no denying that it’s wrong and it needs to stop. For seventeen years now ARAN has been fighting cruelty to animals tooth-and-nail. We could not have done this without the consistent and determined support of our members and supporters everywhere. Now we need your help once again and this time we really need the help of our supporters who have yet to attend one of our events or who have yet to become more actively involved. On Sunday, August 26 in Dublin at 1.30pm sharp we hope that you will join hundreds of our compassionate supporters, along with members of the public for our 5th annual ‘March and Rally Against Cruelty to Animals’. The march will parade through the centre of Dublin City and aims to unite the many people and groups who care about animals – it's looking set to be our best event yet. We will have an extended march route with our flagship chant ‘THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE’ to lead us along the way. This year we plan on having even more fantastic speakers and, for the first time, we will be presenting awards to inspiring people who have devoted their lives to helping animals. Click here for beautiful images of last year's event in Cork City. ARAN has consistently been thanked for organising such beautiful, peaceful, well coordinated, upbeat and positive rallies in previous years, but we've plans on ensuring 2012 is the best yet. But this must not be left to someone else to attend, the animals need you there.
We have no doubt you are all against cruelty to animals, but sitting back, looking away or leaving it to others to stop will ensure a lifetime of animal abuse and suffering – we might as well give up now if that's the case. We can do either of two things: One, we can ignore this appeal and leave attending ARAN’s march and rally to other people, or two, we can mark our diaries and ensure that we are in Dublin for just those couple of hours to ensure it’s the greatest day for Ireland’s animal protection movement. It’s over to you. Will you stand with us on the day? If so please RSVP with the words ‘Yes I’ll be there’. Feel free to bring along your children, family, friends, coworkers and your even your companion animals, it's their day too.
Thank you for your ongoing support and for having the heart you have to see a daywhere there is no more animal abuse.
‘Fighting animal abuse across Ireland’
P.S. Full details, a rally promotional video, leaflet, poster and Facebook image and events page will be available very soon.
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