Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dear Members & Supporters,

Open your eyes to their suffering, turn up your speakers and take just two minutes to watch our inspiring 'All-Ireland March and Rally Against Cruelty to Animals' promotional video that we are asking our army of compassionate followers to forward onto family, friends, and co-workers to encourage them to attend our biggest event ever being held in Cork City. Click here to watch, then forward and be sure to keep the post up on Facebook until the big dayAlready we are receiving possibly our biggest response yet to our now fourth rally which is aiming to highlight Ireland's pathetic 1911 animal welfare bill which does shamefullynothing to protect animals in this country. This rally will also highlight all acts of animal abuse, so feel free to make a poster, placard or banner for an issue you feel most strongly about. It's time for modern laws that will protect animals, and it's time for legislation to stamp out heartbreaking abuses that are currently legal in this country. 


When: Saturday, October 29th, 2011 @ 1.30pm Sharp
Where: Grand Parade Plaza, Cork City

As with all of ARAN's events, they are held in a peaceful, professional manner and aim to generate as much widespread public support as is possible. The easiest thing for anyone to do is to turn your head and look away, but on Saturday, October 29th, we're asking our supporters from every corner of Ireland to please take just one day out and stand with us.

Thank you for all that you are doing to help animals, together we are unmasking the face of animal abuse and will one day bring about a society where animals will finally be respected and left alone.

'Fighting animal abuse across Ireland'

P.S. ARAN achieves real results and our dedicated work of over sixteen years is somewhat unique in this country. Please consider setting up a standing order or by making a once off gift to enable us to keep fighting animal abuse, we truly want to do more. Visit our website today or log onto to see just a snapshot of our overall work. Events like the above would never be made possible if it were not for a special group of generous, kind donors, and monthly standing order supporters, who enable all our work to continue. However, we need to do more so please help, we are known for our efficient and strict spending of donations so that 100% of your gift goes towards fighting animal abuse, and everyone at ARAN are unpaid volunteers who campaign through long, late nights and are out in all weather extremes highlighting animal abuse and saving animals' lives.

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