Super-dairy opposition group delivers 53,223-signature petition to council
Our Ref : 10/1397/FUL
Contact : Planning Services
Email :
1st February 2011
Dear Ann
Application Reference: 10/1397/FUL
Proposal: Erection of dairy unit incorporating 4 no. cattle accommodation buildings, 2 no. maternity/special needs buildings, 1 no. milking parlour, holding area, feed store and associated hard standing, 1 no. runoff lagoon, 2 no. slurry lagoons, anaerobic digestion unit, staff dormitory building, office, weighbridge, internal roads and footpaths and new vehicular access to B1188 (full application) and erection of 5 agricultural workers dwellings (outline application with means of access and layout)
Location: North of Dunston Heath Lane and West of B1188 Nocton Heath, Lincoln
Thank you for your comments in relation to the above planning application. The purpose of this email is to notify you that some additional information has been submitted by the applicant in support of the above planning application.
The additional documents will be available for review until 22nd February 2011, however, please be assured that the Council will take fully into account any comments already made by you in your earlier response, and which will therefore remain valid.
The documents referred to can be viewed at
In summary, the additional details received are as follows;
* Environmental Statement Addendum and Erratum
* RAC response to Environment Agency objections
* Groundwater Risk Assessment Summary
* Revised preliminary groundwater risk assessment part 1
* Revised preliminary groundwater risk assessment part 2
* Diffuse groundwater pollutant appraisal
* RAC response to NKDC Tree Officer comments, Sustainability Statement and B1188 Junction Swept Path Analysis
* Details of proposed sand separation system, slurry injection system, Anaerobic Digester, agricultural workers dwelling Appeal case studies, highway movements (Wasps Nest) and Cryptosporidium treatment
* Figures including indicative access revision to B1188, impact of landscape mitigation, location of outdoor grazing areas and Nocton Fen HGV spreading routes
All of the above documents are listed as 'Additional Supporting Document' on the Council's PlanningOnline website and are dated 26th January 2011.
If you feel that your earlier comments still apply, there is no need to contact the Council again - including to acknowledge this email or simply to refer us back to your earlier response. We will continue to consider and report original comments made.
The application is provisionally scheduled to be considered by Members of the Planning Committee at a meeting on the 8th March 2011. As you have already made comments on the application, you will be automatically notified of the arrangements for the Committee Meeting in due course, including details of how members of the public can attend.
Unfortunately, owing to the level of public interest in this proposal and the volume of correspondence that has been received, there will be a delay in publishing comments to the website. However, all comments received will be taken into account as part of the consideration of the proposal.
Please note that the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 requires that any written correspondence must be made available for public inspection. It is not therefore possible to treat your comments in confidence and any correspondence will be open to both press and public, and will also be published on the Council website at
Yours faithfully
Planning Services
link to planning application
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