Dear Members & Supporters,
ARAN would never exist if it were not for our hard working, loyal and dedicated volunteers from all walks of life - people who give up their free time and most often go out of their way to bring about positive change for all animals. We know only to well just how depressing animal abuse is – sometimes the easiest thing to do is to turn your back, look away and just wish and live in hope that one day all the cruelty and suffering will end, but sadly it won't, if anything, it enables the abuse to live on. At ARAN we're geared up to face the issues and challenges head on, and whilst most of our work goes on quietly behind the scenes, we're very much out on the streets almost every week reaching out to the younger generation and also to people in general showing them that there is a kinder, more compassionate way of living that does not have to involve the screams, torment and torture of an innocent animal. Please read on…
ARAN volunteers in Cork City manned our information stand on Patrick Street for five full hours. During this time the table was completely overwhelmed by huge crowds of passersby stopping to sign petitions, sign up to get active and learn more - this gave our volunteers a unique chance to talk about our most pressing campaigns and more importantly about kindness towards all animals. Hundreds of leaflets were distributed and hundreds of passersby could not help but see images of animals killed for their skins and animals used in cruel, unscientific experiments - images that we hope will one day spur them onto become more compassionate citizens thus saving the lives of even more animals and sparing them a life time of pain and torment.
We want to show all our supporters the good work that's going on for animals when we are not lobbing, staging peaceful protests or press photo-calls designed to bring national exposure to the plight of animals, click here to see some early footage of our tabling event in Cork yesterday.
During the table we spoke to many young children and teenagers about cruelty on the factory farm, slaughterhouses, circuses, hunting, laboratories, greyhound racing and much more. We spoke to the parents of children about circuses and almost everyone who stopped by to support our campaigns all spoke about boycotting animal act circuses and pledging to support our 'Stop Circus Suffering in Ireland' campaign. It was empowering to see so many people touched by what our volunteers had to say about cruelty to animals and their inspiring words about getting active to help animals. During one talk to a group of people, our speech brought tears to the eyes of two people whilst everyone else listened to every-word spoken about the cruel face of animal abuse. It's times like this that we'd like every ARAN donor and supporter to see just how much their support is actually helping animals. Remember that times are changing, people are opening their eyes and hearts up to the plight of animals, but there still is a lot of work to do and thanks to our supporters and members at ARAN, we can continue on fighting animal abuse. ARAN's promise to the animals is that, we hear their cries and we're coming to help.
Keep up the good work and thanks for making us a much needed voice for the animals in Ireland.
'Fighting animal abuse across Ireland'